Object Variables

"Object Variables" contain the properties for currently-active "Game Objects". There are two different types:
Main  Variables - Built-in Variables common to all Objects, listed in this documentation
Extra Variables - Object Variables defined by the user by creating extra Variable space
                  with the appropriate option in the Object Def file
When referencing them from a script, the Main Variables can be referenced by simply using their ID number, such as "1" for "Object_X", and the "Extra Variables" may be referenced by prefixing the ID value with an "E", such as "E0" for the very first "Extra Variable".

During the spawning of an Object, its "Extra Variables", if any are defined, are filled based on the "Spawn Values" settings in the "Object Def" entry for the Object's Type.


   0 - Object_Type
   1 - Object_X
   2 - Object_Y
   3 - Object_Priority
   4 - Object_CurrSprSet
   5 - Object_Tag
   6 - Object_Flags

   0 - Object_Type

   1 - Object_X
   2 - Object_Y

   3 - Object_Priority

   4 - Object_CurrSprSet

   5 - Object_Tag

   6 - Object_Flags